Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Introducing... Serious Business!

Serious Business is the robot we have been working on behind closed doors for the past few months and is now not only finished, but battle tested!

Yes infact Serious Business was entered into it's first day of battling at the recent Robots Live Durham event, up against 4 other featherweight combat robots, 3 of which are the consecutive UK champions from the past 3 years... So as far as first battles go, this was a rough start in what some might call the deep end.

Serious Business was built to the usual Boonana J standard, and not surprisingly lasted the entire day of battling.
We were however surprised to hear that the majority of new featherweight robots genuinely only last 30 seconds of their first battle in the arena, so lasting the whole day really was an achievement considering the circumstances.

We were feeling pretty good about the event, knowing Serious Business is sturdy enough to take a good chucking around, with enough power for a 13 stone man to stand upon it and ride it like a Segway... Ahem.

Our only concerns were towards our ridiculous lack of ground clearance, and the power in the axe of Little Hitter2 from Team Big Nipper.

After our first battle, it became apparent that we had more than enough power and clearance to avoid getting beached 95% of the time, and it was only when we took Little Hitter2 head on that Serious Business would sustain any notable damage.

Anyways enough with the talking, and more with the robot videos!

1st ever Battle!

2nd Battle

3rd Battle

4th Battle

Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Layout...

Here we have the initial layout, but will this be our final configuration...


Not with just one ESC it won't =D

Gears of War

Replacing all the plastic gears with metal gears and swapping out the old grease with Teflon grease to improve durability, and reduce heat accumulation in our drill motors.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Receiving Mixed Messages

Here we have a look at some mixers and radio gear that is ideal for combat roboteering,
as requested =)

Ak Mun Wheel

Will our robot be using the bounty from the pyramid of Ak Mun Wheel...?


Watch this space...

Marching Drill

We've chosen our drills, and the troops have landed =D

Ryobi 12v

Inspector Gadget...

Checking out a few Drills, and inspecting the build quality of each brand to determine the best cost to quality ratio =)

No Frills B&Q budget drills 12v

Bosch PSR-12 12v